European Union,International

Webinar on European elections’ good practices and lessons learned

24 Sep , 2024  

Brussels, Vienna, 24 September 2024: The final Supporting Engagement in European Elections and Democratic Societies (SEEEDS) project webinar focused on the 2024 European Parliament elections. 

Panelists included Marie-Hélène Boulanger of the European Commission, and Sophie Pornschlegel from the Europe Jacques Delors Institute. MEP Daniel Freund, member of the EP’s constitutional committee (AFCO), originally foreseen to participate, unfortunately had to attend to an urgent parliamentary group meeting.

Roy Virah-Sawmy, European Partnership for Democracy (EPD) provided the introduction and Michael Lidauer, Election-Watch.EU moderated the webinar. Ognjan Denkovsķi, Democracy Reporting International, Robert Lech, Political Accountability Foundation, as well as Tatyana Hilscher-Bogussevich & Armin Rabitsch from Election-Watch.EU presented their findings for the SEEEDS project partners. 

More than 200 persons registered for the webinar and more than 100 participants engaged in the interactive questions and answers. For those who missed it, the webinar as all previous webinars has been recorded and can be watched here. This webinar was the final activity of the SEEEDS project.

The SEEEDS project is co-financed by the European Union under the CERV Programme. The project is jointly implemented by the organisations listed below.  

Logos of European Partnership for Democracy, Election-Watch.EU, Democracy Reporting International, EPDE

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