European Union,General

Start of SEEEDS Project with Webinar Series

10 Jan , 2023  

Brussels, Vienna, 10 January 2023: The objective of SEEEDS is to strengthen the integrity of the upcoming European Parliament (EP) elections in 2024 through more active participation of civil society.

Voter mobilisation is closely linked to the feeling of community belonging; to this regard, transnational partnerships, and networks of active citizens across the EU have the potential to foster EU citizenship-based values. When strengthened, such networks can act at the [...]  read more

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Election-Watch.EU participates in round table with Austria’s federal Government

20 Dec , 2022  

Vienna, 19 December 2022: Eleven Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) covering transparency, press freedom as well as civic and human rights met with Vice-Chancellor Werner Kogler and  Minister for the EU and Constitution, Karoline Edtstadler, in the Federal Chancellery of the Republic to discuss a draft law on information freedom, which is now pending since two years. Government representatives listened to the CSOs’ criticism on the draft and promised [...]  read more

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