European Union

Official observer accreditations requested from 27 Electoral Authorities

2 May , 2024  

Brussels, 2 May 2024: The European Commission Directorate General (DG) Justice invited Election-Watch.EU to the European Cooperation Network on Elections (ECNE) meeting to present the focus of the Election Assessment Mission and to request observer accreditations from the 27 EU Member States’ Election Management Bodies. Presentation Election-Watch.EU – ECNE meeting 2 May 2024

Election-Watch.EU has sent an official letter to each of the 27 Election Management [...]  read more

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European Union,General,International

Strengthening Youth Electoral Engagement

16 Apr , 2024  

Brussels/Vienna, 16 April 2024: On 16 April, a variety of organisations discussed the conditions for youth political participation and exchanged ideas on options of how to better engage young people in the upcoming 6-9 June European Parliament elections.

As part of an introduction to the discussion, Election-Watch.EU presented key facts and figures on young people’s electoral engagement, analysing also barriers to [...]  read more

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European Union,General


9 Apr , 2024  

Brussels/Vienna, 9 April 2024: The European Parliament elections are a critical moment in the democratic processes of the European Union, yet historically, young people have been underrepresented in these elections. Despite making up 17% of the EU population, the voice of youth (15-29 year olds) remains significantly marginalized in EU political decision-making processes.

Election-Watch.EU organises a SEEEDS webinar on “Making a difference through electoral participation: [...]  read more

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Mr. Patrick Costello accepts to become an Election-Watch.EU Advisory Board Member

8 Apr , 2024  

Brussels, Vienna, 8 April 2024: We are honoured to welcome Mr. Patrick Costello to the Advisory Board of Election-Watch.EU. With his deep knowledge of the European institutions and of election observation Mr. Patrick Costello will provide advice to Election-Watch.EU’s upcoming Election Assessment Mission to the 6-9 June 2024 European Parliament elections and beyond.

Mr. Costello served as an EU official for 27 years working in the European Parliament (EP),  [...]  read more

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European Union

24 Answers to 24 Questions about the European Elections

14 Mar , 2024  

Vienna, Brussels, 14 March 2024: Election-Watch.EU compiled 24 Answers to 24 Questions (Q&A) surrounding the 6-9 June 2024 European Parliament elections. This document aims to support a broad, interested public, but especially a new generation of young and first-time voters, who can engage with the issue in the run-up to the European elections and use the Q&A as a basis for discussion in civic education classes. 

Election-Watch.EU engages in voter education [...]  read more

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How will mobile EU citizens be able to vote?

6 Mar , 2024  

Brussels, Vienna, 6 March 2024: The number of EU mobile citizens (EU citizens living in another Member State) is estimated at 13.7 million. Some 11 million are considered to be of voting age.

Election-Watch.EU organises a SEEEDS webinar on enhancing participation of mobile EU citizens in European Parliament Elections on Tuesday, 19 March 2024 from 17:00 to 18:00 hours. Register here and find out more here: SEEEDS Webinar Mobile EU Citizens Participation  


Inform [...]  read more

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European Union

Pre-Election Assessment Mission Report published

7 Feb , 2024  

Brussels, Vienna, 7 February 2024: Election.Watch.EU published its Pre-Election Assessment Mission (PEAM) Report and will conduct a comprehensive Election Assessment Mission (EAM) to the 6-9 June 2024 European Parliament (EP) elections within the 27 EU Member States (MS).

Ahead of the 6-9 June 2024 European Parliament (EP) elections, the Election-Watch.EU PEAM conducted in-person consultations in Brussels between 22 and 24 November 2023 and online meetings during the [...]  read more

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Endorsing Member of the Declaration of Principles for International Election Observers

2 Feb , 2024  

Atlanta, 22 January 2024: The Convening Committee of the Declaration of Principles (DoP) for International Election Observers recognised Election-Watch.EU as an endorsing organisation at its last meeting in Addis Ababa hosted by the African Union.

Endorsers of the DoP meet annually to share experiences, discuss methodological questions, and address challenges to elections, democracy, and election observation. The DoP Convening Committee Members especially  [...]  read more

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