Austria,European Union

Start of Vote Advice Application

13 May , 2024  

Vienna, 13 May 2024: Election-Watch.EU (, together with other civil society organisations (CSO) launched the Vote Advice Application (VAA) for the European Parliament elections, especially for young and first time voters. is a pilot project initiated by a team of CSOs, besides, this includes, the operator of the most widespread VAA in Central Europe, PolEdu – Politics & Education, a network of political educators,ássy Universität Budapest, Gründungsverein Österreichische Demokratiestiftung, and BIZEPS – Zentrum für selbstbestimmtes Leben.

The user of the VAA is asked 42 questions that can be answered with Yes or No. In addition, users can weight whether a question is important to them or whether they would like to skip questions. The answers provided by the users are compared with the answers which were provided by the political parties. The users receives a result which shows how their answers match with that of the political parties. There is also a Wahlrechner Express version available with 25 questions.

The Austrian VAA cooperates with at the European level, so users can compare their answers with those of parties from other EU countries.  


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