European Union,General,International

Participation of Mobile EU citizens – Infographics in 24 European languages released

20 May , 2024  

Brussels, Vienna, 20 May 2024: Mobile EU citizens are those EU citizens living in another EU Member State than their own. Election-Watch.EU provides the below infographics about mobile EU citizen participation in European Parliament elections to help increase electoral participation and voter turnout among mobile EU citizens. This material also responds to identified needs from the 2019 European Parliament elections, as voter turnout among mobile EU citizens was far below the average turnout. Challenges for mobile EU citizens include language and registration barriers in some Member States.

The 2024 Election-Watch.EU Pre-Election Assessment Mission report identified the stalled reforms process regarding the amendment of the two mobile EU citizens directives – one for their participation in European Parliament elections and the other for their participation in municipal elections in the EU. The outgoing European Parliament had passed the amendment proposal of the mobile EU citizens directives in February 2023, which has since been blocked by some MS in the Council of the EU. Election-Watch.EU has been advocating for further reforms to ease the participation of mobile EU citizens in European elections and will continue to do so.

This infographic is available in 24 European languages and distributed in all 27 EU Member States to diaspora and expat associations. They accompany an Election-Watch.EU voter education initiative ahead of the 6-9 June European Parliament elections. Ultimately mobile EU citizens, as voters and possible candidates, should be more aware about their rights, contributing towards their enhanced representation across the EU. 

Bulgarian_Abroad But Not Disenfranchised

Croatian_Abroad But Not Disenfranchised

Czech_Abroad But Not Disenfranchised

Danish_Abroad But Not Disenfranchised

Dutch_Abroad But Not Disenfranchised

English_Abroad But Not Disenfranchised

Estonian_Abroad But Not Disenfranchised

Finnish_Abroad But Not Disenfranchised

French_Abroad But Not Disenfranchised

German_Abroad But Not Disenfranchised

Greek_Abroad But Not Disenfranchised

Hungarian_Abroad But Not Disenfranchised

Irish_Abroad But Not Disenfranchised

Italian_Abroad But Not Disenfranchised

Latvian_Abroad But Not Disenfranchised

Lithuanian_Abroad But Not Disenfranchised

Maltese_Abroad But Not Disenfranchised

Polish_Abroad But Not Disenfranchised 

Portuguese_Abroad But Not Disenfranchised

Romanian_Abroad But Not Disenfranchised

Slovak_Abroad But Not Disenfranchised

Slovenian_Abroad But Not Disenfranchised

Spanish_Abroad But Not Disenfranchised

Swedish_Abroad But Not Disenfranchised

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