European Union,International

EPD’s annual conference focused on pressing democracy topics

22 Jun , 2022  

Brussels, 20-22 June 2022: European Partnership for Democracy (EPD) member Election-Watch.EU joined the annual EPD conference from 20 – 22 June 2022 in Brussels. The in-person conference titled “What now? Supporting democracy and improving coordination in a new era” brought together practitioners, academics, and EU policy makers as well as EPD members.

Democracy in the European Union is in a state of flux in the run-up to the 2024 European Parliament elections. [...]  read more

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European Union,General,International

Disinformation in the digital age

20 May , 2022  

Tartu, 20 May 2022Election-Watch.EU was invited to participate in the Conference on disinformation in the digital age on the online spread of disinformation and misinformation and the counter measures, hosted by the University [...]  read more

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Election administration and electoral integrity

17 May , 2022  

Vienna, 17 May 2022: In recent years, election administration has become a subject of intensified debates, raising questions of how to organize elections to ensure electoral integrity. One question concerns who should serve as members of polling station boards, administer election day proceedings, and participate in the vote count. Different models co-exist in modern democracies, with some countries – among them Austria – actively involving the [...]  read more

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European Union,General

Launch of comparative study of persons with disabilities’ rights in European elections

16 May , 2022  

Brussels, 16 May 2022: Election-Watch.EU (, together with the civil society organisation European Disability Forum (EDF) conducted a comparative study about [...]  read more

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Discussion to open polling commissions to young voters

4 May , 2022  

Vienna, 4 May 2022: As part of the action days for political education, Election-Watch.EU organized a discussion meeting on civil society participation in elections, hosted by Zentrum Polis. Opportunities of providing access to polling [...]  read more

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Discussion about electoral reforms based on poll worker study

20 Apr , 2022  

Vienna, 20 April 2022: is once again initiating a panel discussion with representatives of all parties represented in Parliament to discuss possible electoral reforms. This event, co-organised with the Parliament Directorate, follows the successful electoral reform panel discussion event at Parliament in September 2018.

The poll workers nominated by the campaigning parties are a central part of election administration in Austria. Due to the popularity [...]  read more

Austria,European Union,General,International

Presentation of persons with disabilities’ electoral rights study across Europe

20 Apr , 2022  

Brussels, 20 April 2022: Election-Watch.EU conducted a comparative study about persons with disabilities’ suffrage and accessibility rights within the 27 EU Member States for the 6th Human Rights Report of the European Disability Forum (EDF).  The results of the study will be published, presented and discussed in a Webinar on Monday, 16 May 2022. Those interested can register here for the zoom webinar.

The European Parliament elections take place every five years [...]  read more

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Austria,European Union

Reform of polling station committees?

20 Apr , 2022  

Vienna, 20 April 2022: As part of the action days for citizenship education, and Zentrum polis organise an event to discuss the reform of the polling station committees  with representatives of the Vienna provincial electoral authority, the Association of Cities and the teaching profession.

Date: Wednesday 4 May 2022, 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m

Venue: BMBWF Fencing Hall, Freyung 5, 1010 Vienna

Registration required either by [...]  read more

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Election observation and young voter education

31 Mar , 2022  

Vienna, 31 March 2022: Election-Watch.EU was asked to contribute an article on the subject of “Election Observation in Austria” to the new issue of polis aktuell on elections / voting, a magazine for teachers. With the support of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research, the Austrian Centre for Citizenship Education in Schools offers teaching materials to support [...]  read more

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