European Union,International

Youth Participation Handbook

30 Mar , 2023  

Costa Rica, Brussels, Vienna, 30 March 2023: Election-Watch.EU has been invited to contribute to the Youth Participation Handbook compiled and presented by the European Partnership for Democracy (EPD) and the European Democracy Youth Network (EDYN) in the context of the Summit for Democracy.

The Youth Participation Handbook, which was officially presented in Costa Rica on 30 March, gathers 25 stories from different types of organisations (governments, intergovernmental [...]  read more

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3rd SEEEDS webinar on accountability in European elections

20 Mar , 2023  

Brussels, 20 March 2023: The Supporting Engagement in European Elections and Democratic Societies (SEEEDS) project conducts its third webinar to disentangle the regulatory jungle in party and campaign finance between the EU and national levels.

The panelists look at how discrepancies in political finance oversight can affect equality of opportunity and transparency in the European elections. A specific focus will be placed on enforcement mechanisms that have been developed [...]  read more

European Union,General,International

Webinar on transparency and political advertising in elections

28 Feb , 2023  

Brussels, Vienna, 28 February 2023: In the framework of the “Supporting Engagement in European Elections and Democratic Societies” (SEEEDS) Project Election-Watch.EU  (EW), together with European Partnership for Democracy (EPD), Democracy Reporting International (DRI), and European Platform for Democratic Elections (EPDE) organised a webinar on transparency in European Elections on 28 February 2023.

This webinar provided an overview of the state of knowledge on [...]  read more

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European Union,International

Election-Watch.EU invited to present at Global Elections Security Roundtable

13 Feb , 2023  

Brussels, 13 February 2023: The Global Cyber Alliance hosted a UK & Western Europe Roundtable discussion for participants to share experienced threats and actionable best practices in global elections security.

The focus was particularly on:

  1. Core Electoral Process Systems: voting machines, software & hardware manufacturers, supply chain
 [...]  read more

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European Union,General

SEEEDS Project Kick-Off Webinar with “Equality and Inclusion in the European Elections”

1 Feb , 2023  

Brussels/Vienna, 1 February 2023: Election-Watch.EU (EW) has successfully launched the SEEEDS project together with partners, the European Partnership for Democracy (EPD)Democracy Reporting International (DRI), and European Platform for Democratic Elections (EPDE). SEEEDS – short for Supporting Engagement in European Elections and Democratic Societies – aims on raising awareness about the European elections and bridging the gap between active European citizens and EU decision makers.

 [...]  read more

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European Union,General

Start of SEEEDS Project with Webinar Series

10 Jan , 2023  

Brussels, Vienna, 10 January 2023: The objective of SEEEDS is to strengthen the integrity of the upcoming European Parliament (EP) elections in 2024 through more active participation of civil society.

Voter mobilisation is closely linked to the feeling of community belonging; to this regard, transnational partnerships, and networks of active citizens across the EU have the potential to foster EU citizenship-based values. When strengthened, such networks can act at the [...]  read more

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Advisory opinion on the planned 2023 Electoral Amendment Act

9 Jan , 2023  

Vienna, 9 January 2023: Election-Watch.EU ( welcomes the submission of a private member bill by the governing parties to reform Austria’s electoral law and election conduct. The proposal to amend the electoral law includes some planned measures that our working group has already put forward in its list [...]  read more

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Election-Watch.EU participates in round table with Austria’s federal Government

20 Dec , 2022  

Vienna, 19 December 2022: Eleven Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) covering transparency, press freedom as well as civic and human rights met with Vice-Chancellor Werner Kogler and  Minister for the EU and Constitution, Karoline Edtstadler, in the Federal Chancellery of the Republic to discuss a draft law on information freedom, which is now pending since two years. Government representatives listened to the CSOs’ criticism on the draft and promised [...]  read more

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Austrian journal for municipalities publishes research results

12 Aug , 2022  

Vienna, 12 August 2022: In 2022 there will be another federal presidential election in Austria and tens of thousands of election officers will once again be needed to ensure that the elections run smoothly. The Austrian presidential election in 2016 and the problems that arose in connection with the conduct of the election drew attention to the issue of polling station commissions (poll workers) and raised the question of a possible need for reform. [...]  read more