European Union,General,International

Academic article about persons with disabilities’ rights in European elections published

14 Nov , 2023  

Johannesburg, Brussels, Vienna, 14 November 2023:  The South African Journal of International Affairs (SAJIA) published the academic article on enhancing inclusion and accessibility of persons with disabilities in European Parliament elections, co-authored by Alejandro Moledo del Río from European Disability Forum, Michael Lidauer and Amin Rabitsch from Election-Watch.EU.

Toby James [...]  read more

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European Union,International

Conference in Ireland on Persons with Disabilities Equal Participation in Elections

26 Oct , 2023  

Dublin, 26 October 2023: Election-Watch.EU participated and presented at the National Disability Authority’s Annual Conference 2023 which focused on guaranteeing the equal participation of disabled people in political and public life in Ireland under UNCRPD Article 29.

Highlighting the recent positive development of Luxembourg, abolishing all infringements on the right to vote and stand for Persons with Disabilities, Election-Watch.EU presented the findings of the [...]  read more

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First Update of Democracy-Index in Austria

24 Oct , 2023  

Vienna, 24 October 2023: At the press conference to present the updated 2023 Democracy Index, setbacks in terms of media freedom in Austria were noted. Since the Democracy Index was first developed and presented in October 2022, there have been regressions in media freedom and a slight decline in freedom of information. Positive developments were recorded in the [...]  read more

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European Union,International

First High-Level Event on European Elections

23 Oct , 2023  

Brussels, 23/24 October 2023: The European Commission (EC) organised the first High-Level Event on Elections for EU Member States’ Election Management Bodies (EMB) ahead of the 6-9 June 2024 European Parliament (EP) elections. The  [...]  read more

European Union,General

Upcoming EU Regulation of political advertising and its impact discussed in Romania

28 Sep , 2023  

Bucharest, 28 September 2023: Election-Watch.EU was invited by the Expert Forum (Romania) to contribute to a report and High-Level Panel on regulating political advertising at the European Commission Representation in Bucharest. Representatives from the Romanian election management body, regulating authorities, political parties, as well as Google and civil society presented [...]  read more

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European Union

Spanish EU Presidency focus on inclusion of persons with disabilities in elections

25 Sep , 2023  

Madrid, 21 September 2023: The Spanish Presidency of the Council of the EU invited the Working Party on General Affairs to an informal in-person meeting on electoral participation of persons with disabilities to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Madrid. The Brussels based diplomats of all 27 EU Member States examine the legislative proposals by the European Commission in its field of expertise that are sent to the General Affairs Council, which consists of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs.  

 [...]  read more

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Austria,European Union,General,International

Policy Paper to the European Parliament Elections calls for EU and Member State action

28 Aug , 2023  

Brussels, 28 August 2023: Election-Watch.EU (EW), together with the European Partnership for Democracy (EPD), Democracy Reporting International (DRI), and the European Platform for Democratic Elections (EPDE) published a Policy Paper to the upcoming European Parliament elections in June 2024. The findings and recommendations are outlined in four chapters: 1) Equality and Inclusion, 2) Transparency, 3) Accountability, and 4) Risks and Opportunities.

Four thematic [...]  read more

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European Union,International

Roundtable discussion on election observation in the “West”during EIP conference

6 Jul , 2023  

Vienna/Atlanta, 6 July 2023: In the context of the 3rd Annual Virtual Electoral Integrity Conference, Election.Watch.EU and the Democracy Program of The Carter Center convened a roundtable on “Election Observation in the ‘West’? – Challenges, Lessons Learned, and the Way Forward”.

Election observation efforts can play a key role in assessing election administration and integrity, identifying gaps, and making recommendations for improving elections and the [...]  read more

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European Union,General

Vivid exchange among European decision makers and civil society on ensuring the integrity of the 2024 European elections

4 Jul , 2023  

Brussels, 4 July 2023: A high-level event on “Ensuring the integrity of European Parliament (EP) elections in 2024 through the participation of civil society”, hosted by the Member of the European Parliament (MEP) Domènec Ruiz Devesa, took place at the EP on 4 July 2023. First Vice President (FVP) Dr. Othmar Karas opened this Supporting Engagement in European Elections and Democratic [...]  read more

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