European Union,General,International

Election Assessment Mission Office in Brussels opened

14 May , 2024  

Brussels, 14 May 2024: The Election-Watch.EU Election Assessment Mission (EAM) to the European Parliament Elections 2024 has set up office in Brussels and is operating a full fledged mission since beginning of May. The Core Team of Experts based in Brussels coordinates the EAM and liaises with EU institutions, European political parties (EUPPs) and civil society organisations (CSOs).

The EAM builds on the strong network of international election observers and experts in the 27 EU Member States to meet with Election Management Bodies and other oversight bodies, CSOs, and political parties and candidates.

The EAM analyses various aspects of the electoral processes and compiles comparative data and good practice examples. It will present a Preliminary Statement of findings at the Press Club Brussels Europe in Rue Froissart 95 on Monday, 10 June 2024 at 14:00 hours .

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Areas of focus of the Election-Watch.EU Election Assessment Mission:

The assessment builds on international election observation methodology (see e.g. EU, OSCE/ODIHR) to analyse select aspects of the electoral cycle including:

1) Preparedness
– Election preparedness and conduct of election administrations;
– Measures for cyber security and resilience against mal-intended interference and disinformation;
– Quality of voter registration and coordination among EU election administrations to include mobile European citizens and detect and avoid multiple entries;

2) Changes, electoral legal reforms and implementation
– European electoral reforms and implementation of European legislation at EU MS level including the Digital Services Act (DSA) to regulate political campaigns online; and new regulations on transparency and accountability of political party and campaign finance (TTPA), among others;
– Electoral legal framework and processes at EU MS level with comparative analysis;
– Complaints and appeals procedures at EU and EU MS level;

3) Inclusion
– Measures to strengthen youth and women participation and representation;
– Electoral participation of persons with disabilities and other groups at risk of exclusion;
– Civic space and provisions for international and citizen election observation in EU MS.

Rationale of election observation

Putting the expertise of international election observers of the Election-Watch.EU network at the service of the European Union to highlight good practices and contribute to the harmonisation of electoral processes among EU Member States (MS) complementary to other organisations supporting democracy. Building on the 2019 Election-Watch.EU EAM to highlight the diversity of election regulations and practices. Supporting Election Management Bodies (EMBs) in EU MS in learning from each other to implement European rules and benefit from greater cohesion. Election observation contributes to reinforcing civil and political human rights. The inclusion of citizens in the electoral process instils ownership, trust, and transparency, while involving the electorate in democratic decision-making, as reiterated by the European Commission.

Election-Watch.EU_Election Assessment Mission Brief

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