European Union,General,International

Infographics to inform voters about European Elections

16 May , 2024  

Brussels, 16 May 2024: As the European Parliament’s Communication Partner and with European elections less than a month away, Election-Watch.EU has doubled its voter information efforts, striving to encourage active and informed voter participation across the Union.

As one of its latest outputs as part of the SEEEDS project, Election-Watch.EU has prepared a series of infographics that aim to illustrate, including to younger and first-time voters, how the participation in the elections in the 27 EU Member States contributes to the shaping of the European Parliament. The infographics, which are available in several European languages, break down the process of European elections into snapshots on the key aspects, including:

• Key facts and figures about European elections
• Legal framework
• Participation as voters and candidates, including from abroad
• Various electoral systems used across the EU
• Electoral inclusion of women, youth, persons with disabilities, and national minorities
• Processes of voting, counting and publication of results
• Election observation
• Impact of European elections on the establishment of EU institutions

European Elections Infographics – English language version

European Elections Infographics – Bulgarian language version

European Election Infographics – German language version

European Election Infographics – Hungarian language version

European Elections Infographics – Spanish language version

European Elections Infographics – French language version 

European Elections Infographics – Polish language version

European Elections Infographics – Romanian language version 

The infographics were developed on the basis of and accompany a more comprehensive voter information material prepared by Election-Watch.EU – 24 Questions & Answers about the 2024 European Elections and Election Observation.