Austria,European Union,General,International

Policy Paper to the European Parliament Elections calls for EU and Member State action

28 Aug , 2023  

Brussels, 28 August 2023: Election-Watch.EU (EW), together with the European Partnership for Democracy (EPD), Democracy Reporting International (DRI), and the European Platform for Democratic Elections (EPDE) published a Policy Paper to the upcoming European Parliament elections in June 2024. The findings and recommendations are outlined in four chapters: 1) Equality and Inclusion, 2) Transparency, 3) Accountability, and 4) Risks and Opportunities.

Four thematic [...]  read more

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European Union,General

Vivid exchange among European decision makers and civil society on ensuring the integrity of the 2024 European elections

4 Jul , 2023  

Brussels, 4 July 2023: A high-level event on “Ensuring the integrity of European Parliament (EP) elections in 2024 through the participation of civil society”, hosted by the Member of the European Parliament (MEP) Domènec Ruiz Devesa, took place at the EP on 4 July 2023. First Vice President (FVP) Dr. Othmar Karas opened this Supporting Engagement in European Elections and Democratic [...]  read more

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European Union,General

Presenting Citizen Election Observation in the EU

30 Jun , 2023  

Brussels, 30 June 2023: The Election Observation and Democracy Support (EODS) project invited Election-Watch.EU to present its experience and expertise regarding Citizen Election Observation in the European Union (EU). The webinar on 30 June 2023 was attended by more than 60 participants with a wide electoral background, ranging from former EU Election Observation Mission (EOM) Deputy Chief Observers and Core Team members to newcomers. 

Moderated by EODS Training Coordinator [...]  read more

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How best to uphold the rights of persons with disabilities in the European elections 2024?

27 Jun , 2023  

Brussels, 27 June 2023: Election-Watch.EU was invited to join the panel of the Seminar Session “One year left to the European elections. What are the major challenges? What can be done to reach equality in political participation?” of the “A Union of Equality – Disability Rights and Strategies Seminar” organised [...]  read more

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Citizen-based election observation to enhance electoral security through transparency

5 Apr , 2023  

London, 4 April 2023: The Global Cyber Alliance (GCA), supported by CrowdStrike and the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) invited Election-Watch.EU to participate in the multi-stakeholder roundtable discussions.

Participants and resource persons highlighted the importance of a broad approach to election security and identified challenges and best practices that are summarised in the Global-Elections-Security-Report.

This report takes an in-depth look [...]  read more


European Union,General,International

Joint recommendations to the EU to strengthen European democracy and elections

31 Mar , 2023  

Brussels, Vienna, 31 March 2023: Effective action is essential to protect democracy towards the 2024 European Parliament elections. The recommendations of 46 European civil society organisations (CSOs) for an ambitious “Defence of Democracy Package” contribute to the  European Commission’s initiative, and stress the importance of a structured and open civil dialogue.  CSOs, [...]  read more

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Study to citizen-led election observation in the EU

31 Mar , 2023  

Berlin, 30 March 2023: Election Watch contributed to the publication of EPDE on citizen-led election observation within EU Member States. The useful update based to a large extend on Election Watch’s comparative analysis “Mapping Legislation for Citizen [...]  read more

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3rd SEEEDS webinar on accountability in European elections

20 Mar , 2023  

Brussels, 20 March 2023: The Supporting Engagement in European Elections and Democratic Societies (SEEEDS) project conducts its third webinar to disentangle the regulatory jungle in party and campaign finance between the EU and national levels.

The panelists look at how discrepancies in political finance oversight can affect equality of opportunity and transparency in the European elections. A specific focus will be placed on enforcement mechanisms that have been developed [...]  read more

European Union,General,International

Webinar on transparency and political advertising in elections

28 Feb , 2023  

Brussels, Vienna, 28 February 2023: In the framework of the “Supporting Engagement in European Elections and Democratic Societies” (SEEEDS) Project Election-Watch.EU  (EW), together with European Partnership for Democracy (EPD), Democracy Reporting International (DRI), and European Platform for Democratic Elections (EPDE) organised a webinar on transparency in European Elections on 28 February 2023.

This webinar provided an overview of the state of knowledge on [...]  read more

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