Brussels, 20 October 2020: Election-Watch.EU participated in an online discussion panel organised by Carnegie Europe, European Movement, European Partnership for Democracy and Democracy Reporting International to share its social media monitoring experience and discuss online electoral integrity.
European Democracy Group: Civil Society Series; 20 October 2020
The panel of kick-off speakers included Marie-Hélène Boulanger, Head of Unit, Union Citizenship [...]
digital services act, dsa, edap, social media and elections, social media monitoring, social media regulation
Austria,European Union,International
Vienna/Tirana, 6 October 2020:, in partnership with the Albanian Young Professionals Network (YPN), has developed a workshop for young and first-time voters, which will take place between 1 and 5 December 2020. The workshop is dedicated to a young generation who is interested in learning more about elections in European comparison and wants to get actively engaged.
As a result of political disputes and compromises, an electoral reform process is [...]
activism, social media, social media monitoring, young voters, youth
Brussels/Vienna, 25 September 2020: Election-Watch.EU was invited by the European Commission to share the findings and recommendations of its Rapid Assessment on Covid-19 and Elections in Europe with the European Cooperation Network on Elections, which assembles representatives of election management bodies from the EU Member States.
In April 2020, Election-Watch.EU has conducted a Rapid Assessment [...]
covid-19 and elections, covid-19 rapid assessment, european cooperation network on elections
Election-Watch.EU contributed to a comprehensive input paper on the European Democracy Action Plan coordinated by the European Partnership for Democracy (EPD).
In addition a joint statement with 5 demands for the European Democracy Action Plan was drafted and endorsed by a coalition of 46 organisations working on democracy, human rights, [...]
conference on the future of europe, edap, election observation, eu electoral reforms
Austria,European Union,International
Election-Watch.EU contributed to a pilot project to monitor the usage of social media during electoral campaigns. Democracy Reporting International (DRI) led the project with contributions from MEMO 98 and the financial support of NEF-Civitates.
Under this project, five social media monitoring projects were carried out by teams from Election-Watch.EU (Austria), Lisbon University Institute (ISCTE – IUL) – Media Lab (Portugal), Political Accountability [...]
Austrian National Council Elections, facebook, Nationalratswahl 2019, social media and elections, social media monitoring, twitter, youtube
Lisbon/Vienna, 4 June 2020: / Election-Watch.EU was invited to contribute to the online training course of VoteDHr. The Portuguese training program for elections, democracy and human rights of the Center for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra took place online due to the Covid-19 situation. Michael Lidauer explained the work of in Austria and provided [...]
Vienna, 30 April 2020: The United Nations have called the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic the biggest international crisis in generations. As the number of infected people began to mount rapidly, governments across Europe put in place a variety of measures to contain the spread of the virus. Many of these measures reflect how emergency situations can impact the safeguarding of fundamental rights and democratic practices.
In mid-April, Election-Watch.EU [...]
European Union,General,International
Brussels, 28 January 28 2020: The Constitutional Committee of the European Parliament (AFCO) invited Election-Watch.EU to present its Election Assessment Mission’s findings and recommendations to the Members of the European Parliament. Former European Parliament President and current Constitutional Committee Chairperson Antonio Tajani introduced Election-Watch.EU.
The presentation of Election-Watch.EU’s Election Assessment Mission’s [...]
AFCO, conference on the future of europe, electoral reforms, european electoral reforms, european parliament
Brussels, 27.11.2019: Election-Watch.EU was invited to present the findings and recommendations of its Election Assessment Mission (EAM) to the 2019 European Elections at a network meeting of European election management bodies (EMBs) at the European Commission in Brussels. Michael Lidauer presented the background, objectives, key findings and recommendations of the EAM, which was the first comprehensive, civil-society based election observation exercise at European level.