Brussels, 30 June 2023: The Election Observation and Democracy Support (EODS) project invited Election-Watch.EU to present its experience and expertise regarding Citizen Election Observation in the European Union (EU). The webinar on 30 June 2023 was attended by more than 60 participants with a wide electoral background, ranging from former EU Election Observation Mission (EOM) Deputy Chief Observers and Core Team members to newcomers.
Moderated by EODS Training Coordinator [...]
2024 EP elections, citizen election observation, EP elections 2024, inclusion
Brussels, Vienna, 26 June 2023: A high-level event at the European Parliament on 4 July 2023 will focus on how best to ensure the integrity of the 6-9 June 2024 European elections through the participation of civil society.
The EU’s commitment to defending democracy is more important than ever. The elections provide an important opportunity to strengthen citizen participation in elections, improve trust and promote identification with democratic values. In the [...]
2024 EP elections, citizen led election observation, data protection in elections, election security, EP elections 2024, participatory electoral reforms, youth participation in elections
Brussels, 22 June 2023: Election-Watch.EU, a member of the European Partnership for Democracy (EPD) since 2021, has participated in EPD’s annual events in Brussels. Between 19 and 21 June, Election-Watch.EU took part in the EPD Annual General Meeting (AGM) and the EPD Annual Conference as well as in a training for the programmes and evaluation working groups of the network.
At the AGM, the EPD Board has presented its strategy and plans in the areas of policy, programming [...]
London, Vienna, 25 April 2023: Election-Watch has been invited to join a panel discussion on election observation in Western democracies by the Democracy Volunteers on Tuesday, 25 April at 21:30 hours CET.
Election observation has long been seen as a key mechanism for democracy promotion due to the benefits it can have for electoral integrity around the world.
However, the geographical distribution of Election Observation Missions is varied, both globally, and within [...]
2024 EP elections, accountability, citizen led election observation, transparency
Brussels, Vienna, 13 April 2023: The fourth webinar of the SEEEDS project on risks and opportunities in European elections ahead of the 2024 European Parliament elections will take place on Tuesday, 25 April 2023..
There are several risks to the EP elections in 2024, stemming from rule of law problems, limited media freedoms, disinformation and cyber-attacks. But the 2024 elections also represent an opportunity to make the European Union more democratic, such as better [...]
2024 EP elections, citizen led election observation, data protection in elections, election security, EP elections 2024, rule of law
European Union,General,International
Brussels, Vienna, 31 March 2023: Effective action is essential to protect democracy towards the 2024 European Parliament elections. The recommendations of 46 European civil society organisations (CSOs) for an ambitious “Defence of Democracy Package” contribute to the European Commission’s initiative, and stress the importance of a structured and open civil dialogue. CSOs, [...]
2024 EP elections, citizen led election observation, Defence of Democracy, EP elections 2024
Costa Rica, Brussels, Vienna, 30 March 2023: Election-Watch.EU has been invited to contribute to the Youth Participation Handbook compiled and presented by the European Partnership for Democracy (EPD) and the European Democracy Youth Network (EDYN) in the context of the Summit for Democracy.
The Youth Participation Handbook, which was officially presented in Costa Rica on 30 March, gathers 25 stories from different types of organisations (governments, intergovernmental [...]
2024 EP elections, inclusion, youth participation in elections
European Union,General,International
Brussels, Vienna, 28 February 2023: In the framework of the “Supporting Engagement in European Elections and Democratic Societies” (SEEEDS) Project Election-Watch.EU (EW), together with European Partnership for Democracy (EPD), Democracy Reporting International (DRI), and European Platform for Democratic Elections (EPDE) organised a webinar on transparency in European Elections on 28 February 2023.
This webinar provided an overview of the state of knowledge on [...]
European elections, online political advertising, political advertising regulation, transparency, transparency of political campaign
Brussels, 13 February 2023: The Global Cyber Alliance hosted a UK & Western Europe Roundtable discussion for participants to share experienced threats and actionable best practices in global elections security.
The focus was particularly on:
cyber policy, cybersecurity in elections, election security, global elections security