European Union,General

Webinar on what we observed in the 2024 European Elections

28 Aug , 2024  

Brussels, Vienna 28 August 2024: Election-Watch.EU will present an overview of findings and recommendations of its Election Assessment Mission (EAM) to the 2024 Elections at the SEEEDS webinar on Tuesday, 24 September at 16:00 hours

Election-Watch.EU has been collecting good electoral practices in EU Member States  and with the Final EAM Report [...]  read more

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European Union,General,International

The EU’s Artificial Intelligence Act and its impact on electoral processes

9 Jul , 2024  

Vienna, 9 July 2024: The purpose of the EU AI Act is among others to “ensuring a high level of protection of health, safety, fundamental rights enshrined in the Charter of Fundamental Rights, including democracy, the rule of law and environmental protection, against the harmful effects of the AI systems in the Union”. Adopted by the Council of the EU on 21 May 2024, the AI Act is expected to be published in the EU Official Journal during the second half of July 2024. 

Armin [...]  read more

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European Union,International

Presentation of EAM preliminary findings at international public law conference ICON-S

8 Jul , 2024  

Brussels/Madrid, 8 July 2024: Election-Watch.EU was invited to present preliminary findings of its Election Assessment Mission (EAM) to the 2024 European Elections at a panel of the International Society of Public Law (ICON-S) Annual Conference on “The Future of Public Law: Resilience, Sustainability, and Artificial Intelligence” which took place at the IE University Law School in Madrid, Spain, July 8-10, 2024.

The panel “The 2024 European elections: state of [...]  read more

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European Union,International

Post-Election Presentation to the Election Management Bodies of EU Member States

5 Jul , 2024  

Brussels, 5 July 2024: The European Commission Directorate General Justice (EC DG JUST) invited Election-Watch.EU to meet the European Cooperation Network on Elections (ECNE) following the 6-9 June European Parliament elections. The presentation of Election-Watch.EU’s preliminary findings and conclusions followed a Q&A with the representatives of Election Management Bodies and authorities of EU Member States. 

Election-Watch.EU provided an overview of the [...]  read more

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European Union,General,International

Participation of Mobile EU citizens – Infographics in 24 European languages released

20 May , 2024  

Brussels, Vienna, 20 May 2024: Mobile EU citizens are those EU citizens living in another EU Member State than their own. Election-Watch.EU provides the below infographics about mobile EU citizen participation in European Parliament elections to help increase electoral participation and voter turnout among mobile EU citizens. This material also responds to identified needs from the 2019 European Parliament elections, as voter turnout among mobile EU [...]  read more

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European Union,General,International

Infographics to inform voters about European Elections

16 May , 2024  

Brussels, 16 May 2024: As the European Parliament’s Communication Partner and with European elections less than a month away, Election-Watch.EU has doubled its voter information efforts, striving to encourage active and informed voter participation across the Union.

As one of its latest outputs as part of the SEEEDS project, Election-Watch.EU has prepared a series of infographics that aim to illustrate, [...]  read more

European Union,General,International

Election Assessment Mission Office in Brussels opened

14 May , 2024  

Brussels, 14 May 2024: The Election-Watch.EU Election Assessment Mission (EAM) to the European Parliament Elections 2024 has set up office in Brussels and is operating a full fledged mission since beginning of May. The Core Team of Experts based in Brussels coordinates the EAM and liaises with EU institutions, European political parties (EUPPs) and civil society organisations (CSOs).

The EAM builds on the strong network of international election observers and experts [...]  read more

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Austria,European Union

Start of Vote Advice Application

13 May , 2024  

Vienna, 13 May 2024: Election-Watch.EU (, together with other civil society organisations (CSO) launched the Vote Advice Application (VAA) for the European Parliament elections, especially for young and first time voters. is a pilot project initiated by a team of CSOs, besides, this includes[...]  read more

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