What we want?
Civil society initiatives for the observation and assessment of electoral processes are important to inform decision-makers, legislators and the wider public about the current status of electoral practices in relation to international standards and commitments (UN, OSCE, Council of Europe). Election-Watch.EU (wahlbeobachtung.org) has published academic articles, policy papers and reports including recommendations for improvement. In these publications Election-Watch.EU (wahlbeobachtung.org) advocates for a broad, participative, inclusive election reform process at European Union (EU), EU Member State level, with a particular focus in Austria. A summary of the most important publications including hyperlinks are listed below:
Peer reviewed articles
- Rabitsch, Armin/ Moledo, Alejandro/ Lidauer, Michael: Inclusive elections? The case of persons with disabilities in the European Union. In: South African Journal of International Affairs. In: South African Journal of International Affairs, November 2023.
- Partheymüller, Julia/ Müller, Wolfgang C. / Rabitsch, Armin/ Lidauer, Michael/ Grohma, Paul: Participation in the administration of elections and perceptions of electoral integrity. In: Electoral Studies 7, June 2022.
- Grohma, Paul/ Lidauer, Michael/ Rabitsch, Armin: Vorschläge für eine Reform des österreichischen Wahlrechts. In: Journal für Rechtspolitik, Jg. 26/1, 13-24, April 2018.
- Lidauer, Michael/ O’Rourke, Iris/ Rabitsch, Armin: Mapping Legislation for Citizen and International Election Observation in Europe: A Comparative Analysis on the Basis of OSCE/ODIHR Reports. In: Nordic Journal of Human Rights (NJHR) – Special Issue on International Election Observation, December 2017.
Chapters in edited volumes
Policy papers
- Election Assessment Mission (EAM) to the 2024 European Elections, Final Report, September 2024 (in preparation).
- 24 Questions and Answers to European Elections and Election Observation, March 2024.
- Pre-Elections Assessment Mission (PEAM) Report, February 2024.
- Lidauer, Michael/ Grohma, Paul/ Rabitsch, Armin: EMB Composition in European Comparison (Working Paper), Jan. 2022.
- European Disability Forum (EDF): European Human Rights Report, Issue 6 – 2022, Human Rights Report on Political Participation of Persons with Disabilities, May 2022.
- (with University of Vienna): Wahlbeisitz in Österreich, Bericht zum Forschungsprojekt, Dezember 2021.
- Vienna Municipal and District Elections 2020 under Covid-19 Conditions, January 2021.
- Rapid Assessment: Covid-19 & Elections in Europe, 30 April 2020.
- Social Media Monitoring, Early Parliamentary Election Campaign, Austria 2019, February 2020.
- Election Assessment Mission (EAM) to the 2019 European Elections, Final Report, September 2019.
- Needs Assessment Mission Report, 2019 Elections to the European Parliament, February 2019.
- Vorschläge zur Reform österreichischer Wahlprozesse, February 2017.